Jasper Loveless

Why You Need an Experienced Commercial Lawyer to Grow Your Business

Why You Need an Experienced Commercial Lawyer to Grow Your Business

Taking the wrong legal step could devastate any business, particularly Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Whereas big companies have the resources to protect themselves against almost anything, a small mistake for a start-up business could mean losing much money and hitting their reputation. Hiring a commercial lawyer can help save a company in many ways, from…

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Ban the box?

Ban the box?

Interesting news from Australia, where a Government-sponsored report  is saying that children under the age of 2 should not watch telly. My immediate, cheap, thought is that, in the land that gave us Neighbours, probably the Government should ban everyone from watching telly. But actually, I love Neighbours and so do my girls. I do…

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Blokes, Beers and Burritos

Blokes, Beers and Burritos

I was sent Blokes, Beers and Burritos, to review for you and initially I was a bit dazzled by the vibrant pink cover. While I love chick lit, this was quite full on. The book turns out to be a fascinating read, though, and shouldn’t be dismissed as just another disposable chick lit novel. Yes,…

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Trouble in Paradise

We are having the time of our lives in Barbados – seeing the wild shores of Bathsheba, rummaging through the hot shops of Bridgetown, eating snapper, mahi-mahi, and breadfruit every night as the ocean laps behind us.  There is just one leeetle tiny problem ….. somewhere, thousands of miles away in Europe, there is some volcano…

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new world

Brave new world

I’m not sure what I make of the Apprentice, or rather its winner, Dr Leah. On the one hand, it is great that one of the female contestants won, and even better that there were two women in the final. At the beginning of the series, it looked as though the girls were too silly,…

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SO I am starting this post with the word SO because I’ve spent the past extremely hectic 24 hours channelling teenage girldom and that’s what they seem to do the whole time. And, when they’re not starting sentences with SO, they are feverishly Instagramming, Tweeting, Snapchatting, WhatsApping and just generally pressing buttons to register stuff…

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On their bikes

There’s uproar in Dulwich this morning after the Sunday Times report yesterday on the parents who allow their children, aged 8 and 5, to cycle to school unaccompanied every morning, on a mile-long route, crossing a main road with the help of a lollipop lady or other parents. I’ve used the word ‘allow’ – but is…

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